Kimberly Merlo
Specializing in Metrology and Quality System Design
With a solid technical experience in dimensional, electrical, mechanical, thermodynamic, chemical, fluid quantities, time and frequency parameters as well as materials testing.
Who I am
Principal Consultant

I specialize in a range of metrology and quality system services
Quality System Design, Implementation and Improvement
▪Quality Management System Design and Implementation
▪Interpretation of Requirements
▪Risk Analysis and Management
▪Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis
▪Internal Audits
▪Metric Development
Accreditation Assistance
▪Assistance from Application to Audit for ISO17025, AS9100 and ISO9001
▪Maintenance of Quality Systems including communication to Accreditation Bodies

▪Development of Measurement Uncertainty Budgets
▪Evaluation of Measurement Methods
▪Selection of Standards and Equipment to Achieve Uncertainty Goals
▪Technical Training of Metrological Concepts and Calibration Methods
▪Writing of Calibration and Testing Procedures
▪Implementing Intermediate Check/Measurement Assurance Programs
Process Improvement and Automation
▪Measurement Capability Studies
▪Design and Implementation of Custom Calibration and Testing Software in conjuction with Kavoku
▪Design and Implementation of Custom Calibration and Testing Software in conjuction with Kavoku
I am committed to helping you achieve your metrology and quality system goals.
With over 30 years of experience, I offer a comprehensive range of services which cater to the aerospace, nuclear, defense, medical, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, biotech and homeland security sectors.
I help customers Nationwide
Email: kmconsultinginc@live.com
Phone: +1 (908) 892-5844
Phone: +1 (908) 892-5844
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